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How do I recognise mould on my yoghurt?

Here are a few rules of thumb to recognise mould:. Mould is always dry and furry. Mould can not develop under the surface because it needs oxygen. If you see reddish or greenish-grey spots or a coloured coating on your yoghurt, this is a sign of moul

My yoghurt won't set. What am I doing wrong?

There can be several reasons why your yoghurt does not set.

The yoghurt production did not work. What now?

If your milk "just" didn't set, it doesn't mean that the whole fermentation didn't work. Try the milk. Does it taste sourish? Then the fermentation was successful and you have made a yoghurt drink. Now you can work on the consistency.

What ingredients are in your vegan yoghurt culture?

The ingredients in the yoghurt culture are as follows:.

Why does my homemade yoghurt taste so sour?

This can have various causes. One could be that the fermentation time was too long and the lactic acid bacteria had too much time to produce lactic acid for your taste. Another cause could be that the temperature during fermentation was too high. Als

Why is my homemade yoghurt grainy?

This usually happens when you make the yoghurt by over-inoculation. This is probably because the starter yoghurt has not been distributed well enough in the milk. Therefore, when inoculating the milk, it is recommended to distribute the yoghurt you u

Can I eat the yoghurt at room temperature?

Of course, you can choose the temperature that suits you the best at the time of consumption. The important thing is putting the yoghurt in the fridge for a few hours after fermentation. This will give it a nicer consistency.

How much yoghurt can I make from the product?

The pack contains a total of 3 sachets of 5g each. You can use 5g to make yoghurt from one litre of plant milk. Afterwards, you can also inoculate with the finished yoghurt instead of a new yoghurt culture. Simply take 2 - 3 tablespoons of the finish

In what concentration are the bacteria present in your yoghurt cultures?

With our bacterial cultures you can always assume a total bacterial count of 1E9/g, i.e. at least one billion per gram. For explanation: The bacterial concentration is completely irrelevant for the acidifying cultures. What is relevant is that they a

Does the production of yoghurt also work with oat milk?

The cultures need either fat or protein to be able to produce lactic acid. In many types of plant milk there is hardly any of either. Lactic acid can often be produced anyway, but if there is no protein to form the typical structure of yoghurt, it wi

What are bifidobacteria?

Bifidobacteria are one of the main components of our intestinal flora (approx. 25 %). Just like the lactic acid bacteria, they process sugar into lactic acid. That is why they are a popular candidate for use in yoghurt production. Bifidobacteria have

What is the difference between natural yoghurt and bifido yoghurt?

The basic difference is the lactic acid bacteria contained. Our bifido culture ferments cow's milk and other animal milks into a mildly acidic yoghurt, while our cultures for natural yoghurt ferment animal milks into an acidic traditional yoghurt, co

Where can I get coconut milk that is not canned?

Coconut milk, which is not canned, is available in relatively high quality from Aroy D. You can get it in tetra packs in almost all Asia shops. It works very well for making yoghurt.

What must be the fat content of the milk used for the yogurt?

Theoretically, the production of lactic acid also works with a low fat content, but then the yoghurt will not be as creamy and more like a drinking yoghurt. The more fat you use, the creamier the yoghurt will be.

What bacteria does natural yoghurt contain?

Our cultures for natural yoghurt contain the following strains:.

What bacteria does bifido yoghurt contain?

Our yoghurt cultures for bifido yoghurt contain the following strains:.

What is the difference between natural yoghurt and bifido yoghurt?

The natural yoghurt acidifies quickly and thus gets the typical taste while bifido yoghurt is more mildly acidifying and also contains bifidobacterium. Bifidobacteria are one of the main components of our intestinal flora (approx. 25 %). Just like th

What is an overvaccination?

To make new yoghurt, you can also inoculate with the finished yoghurt instead of a new yoghurt culture. Simply take 2 - 3 tablespoons of the finished yoghurt and add it to your milk instead of the yoghurt culture. This works up to 10 times,. After th

How do I make yoghurt in the Fairment yoghurt maker?

Instructions Yoghurt. Ingredients for 32oz Mason Ball jar:. You'll need:. Please ensure that you work hygienically. Step 1:. Heat the milk in a saucepan until it is almost boiling (80 °C) to pasteurise it and exclude foreign germs. Pour the hot milk

How do I make vegan yoghurt in the Fairment yoghurt maker?

Vegetable yoghurt instruction. Ingredients:. You need:. Please ensure that you work hygienically. Step 1:. Heat the soy milk in a saucepan until it is almost boiling (80 °C) to pasteurise it and exclude foreign germs. Pour the hot milk into the Mason